Monday, June 16, 2014

Green Dragon Cup and Saucer


This listing is for you!
Vampire Gunnarr
Beatiful Antique Porcelain Dragonware Cup and Saucer
Spellcast with Intense Dragon Energy.
Perfect for a Dragon Communication Tea Ritual.
Vampire Gunnarr
 Use this antique porcelain saucer to make offerings to your dragon friends. The cup and saucer are natural containers for dragon treasure of all sorts. And when you occaionally use the cup and saucer for a tea ritual the energy that has accumulated will take you to another place. This "letting go" helps you release a lot of what was holding you back, and you begin to tune into the dragon signal and it's warm and loving..
Vampire Gunnarr
Green Decoration With Black Dragon on plate.
Vampire Gunnarr
Rare "Geisha Girl" cups show that the cup was designed as a vessel and so I have used it as such and called a Geisha spirit into the cup to serve you and your dragon. The Geisha is an intensely devoted spirit who will serve your every need. Relax and feel ths Dragon Spirit communication with the help of a devoted geisha spirit. Fantastic 
$85 plus $5 shipping. Only two available.

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